Persistent jaw clenching and teeth grinding (Bruxism) can affect 1 in 12 people according to some surveys. It can result in pain and misery as well as the routine wearing of a bite guard in bed at night.
Teeth grinding often occurs during sleep and often people are unaware they may have this condition. A dull, constant headache or sore jaw when you wake up is a telltale symptom of bruxism. You can examine your mouth and jaw for signs of bruxism, such as jaw tenderness and excessive wear on your teeth.
The anti-wrinkle injections can be used after consultation, to treat this condition. Teeth grinding occurs due to clenched jaw muscles. This is what the muscle relaxant lessens; the ability of your muscles to clench tightly and thus decrease the amount of grinding that can occur.
The muscle relaxant injections can stop the jaw pain and or headache caused by jaw clenching.
Treatment with muscle relaxant can stop night time teeth grinding. Grinding can eventually lead to tooth damage and cracking.
The muscle relaxant treatment for Persistent Jaw Clenching normally lasts for 4 to 6 months. During this period you should have full protection. The alternative treatment, using mouth guards, can be uncomfortable and can affect sleep. The mouth guards may even become dislodged or removed during sleep.
The muscle relaxant is a relatively new treatment method. It is provided to correct patients' underlying problem of the forceful contracting of their muscles. It is normally injected into the masseter muscle, which is in the jaw.
The anti-wrinkle treatment relaxes these muscles and prevents teeth grinding during sleep. The muscle relaxant doesn’t affect chewing, talking or eating. Most patients experience a decrease of most or all of their symptoms from Bruxism two to three weeks after the injections.
The muscle relaxant injections are effective for four to six months. The anti-relaxant, a simple and short (15-20 minute) procedure:
- Prevents unnecessary teeth grinding and clenching;
- Facilitates better quality and healthy sleep;
- Prevents damage to your teeth;
- Stops pain and headaches; and
- Even improves the quality of your life.
Sufferers of persistent jaw clenching or Bruxism may have developed a more square or masculine-looking jaw. Treatment may also have the advantage of relaxing or softening this. As we are specialists in aesthetic treatments we understand very well how muscle relaxing product and even dermal fillers affect the facial muscles. This may be another area you wish to discuss with your nurse specialist consultation.
The decision is up to you as the treatment is the same. We perform up to 100+ injections per week and your nurse has a detailed understanding of facial muscle structure. We are also experienced in dealing with the cosmetic affects of treatment if you also decide that this becomes important to you.
Teeth grinding and jaw clenching (also called Bruxism) is often related to stress or anxiety. It doesn't always cause symptoms but some people get facial pain and headaches, and it can wear down your teeth over time. Most people who grind their teeth and clench their jaw aren't aware they're doing it. It often happens during sleep or while concentrating or under stress. Symptoms of teeth grinding include: facial pain, headaches, earache, pain and stiffness in the jaw joint (temporo-mandibular joint) and surrounding muscles, which can lead to temporo-mandibular disorder (TMD), disrupted sleep (for you or your partner), worn-down teeth, which can lead to increased sensitivity and even tooth loss and broken teeth or fillings.
At Qutis we only provide a specific treatment for persistent jaw clenching, however, there are other treatment options for jaw clenching and teeth grinding. Using a mouth guard or mouth splint is common. This reduces the sensation of clenching or grinding your teeth. It may also help reduce pain and prevent tooth wear, as well as protecting against further damage, but it can become dislodged at night or become uncomfortable. Most customers have tried this before they come to us for a consultation. Other treatments include muscle relaxation exercises. If you have stress or anxiety, then cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may be recommended.
Yes, we require patients to be advised by one of our trained medical professionals before treatment to ensure you are receiving the correct care. You can book a consultation by giving us a call or using our online booking system.
Persistent Jaw Clenching
As all people vary, it is important to start with your own face to face consultation. This will give plenty of time to discuss your treatment and ask about any other areas that interest you. Your nurse specialist will give you an exact cost of your treatment after consultation. If you would like to contact us for more information on this, please drop us a line.
Feel free to download our booklet below for more details and pricing.
For more significant or repeat treatments such the muscle relaxant for persistent jaw clenching, you might be interested in our 0% finance or interest-free payment plans to help fund your treatment. This will help you spread the cost of your aesthetic treatment over 10 months.
Treatment Finance options are under review and may be available, please ask in your consultation for more details.
MBNS Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH. Company Number 04664476.
Qutis Witney Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 07993267.
Qutis Herts Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 10879204