A muscle relaxant injection treatment works by temporarily reducing your muscle movement to reduce the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles. Muscle relaxant treatments used to be seen as just for celebrities. Now they are for all ages and customer types. At Qutis we treat up to 100 patients a week with muscle relaxant injections. Some professional patients feel it is important to stay looking "on trend and ahead of their game". Other clients feel they put so much effort into physical health and well being that looking fresh and dynamic is another part of this. Many customers just want to look as young on the outside as they feel inside. Ultimately, all customers are individuals and we want you to share your treatment needs with us.
There’s no recovery or downtime. You can even receive a muscle relaxing treatment in your lunch break.
Your results will last from three to six months depending on your skin goals and your previous treatments.
Treatments are simple and effective and can take as little as ten minutes – just a few tiny injections and within days there’s a noticeable improvement.
The anti-wrinkle treatment, can help soften and smooth frown lines, forehead and lip wrinkles. The muscle relaxant works on “dynamic” lines that appear when you are moving your face, such as crows feet, frown lines, laughter lines and lipstick lines.
An anti-wrinkle injection acts by blocking the nerve impulses, which in turn reduces the movement of the muscles that cause wrinkles. With less movement, your skin surface will gradually smooth out, and your frown lines will begin to fade.
Understanding the complexity of facial muscle structure is very important. Many of our patients want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles but do not want a "frozen" forehead.
Our patients wish to look more relaxed but still retain a natural movement of their eyebrows and have a small frown.
In your nurse consultation you will agree exactly how you want your treatment. We keep detailed records and over time we know exactly what amount of muscle relaxant to use for each facial muscle to look your natural best.
There may be some conditions where you may not receive a muscle relaxant injection, for example, if you are pregnant, or have specific medical health conditions.
It is very important that the person injecting your treatment takes a full medical history and performs a face-to-face consultation with you. We us a well know prescription medicine that is subject to strict control. It is essential that the injector (normally a specialist nurse prescriber or doctor) fully understands the muscle structure of your face and the underlying anatomy. This is vital when injecting Anti Wrinkle treatments with the objective of achieving an aesthetic or cosmetic result.
For most patients there is only a small amount of discomfort and the benefits of smoother skin tends to outweigh this. We can use ice packs and "invisible" needles if you are worried about discomfort. The actual injection part may only take 10 minutes, so it's normally over quicker than many people expect.
At Qutis, we always urge patients to see us for a follow-up around 14 to 21 days after their treatment. This is particularly valuable with patients who have Anti Wrinkle treatments for the first time as it allows us to monitor the effect of the Anti Wrinkle injection on their own particular anatomy. Top-up treatment is FREE and included if this is seen to be necessary at the follow-up stage.
You will see a noticeable improvement starting within a few days. Frown lines will begin to look more relaxed and softened. Results for most people tend to last from three to six months. After that, you may be ready to return for a follow-up maintenance treatment. With repeated treatments, performed before the full effect has worn off, we tend to find that your Anti Wrinkle Treatment will last longer. The duration of your results will also depend on your own facial expressions. Having treatment sooner rather than later, may be an advantage and may slow the sign of ageing.
Your first consultation, prescription and treatment can be done in one appointment at Qutis. The first appointment may take 60 minutes, following appointments may take less than 20 minutes. There’s no recovery or downtime and you can even have an anti-wrinkle treatment in your lunch break. We always offer a free follow-up appointment and if your treatment needs a "top-up" this is also included.
Vistabel, Azzalure and Bocouture are all medical toxins. They all contain a specially-prepared naturally-occurring but purified protein that originates from bacteria. It should only be injected by a qualified nurse or doctor practitioner who will ensure that the correct amount is injected in precisely the right places.
Yes, we require patients to be advised by one of our trained medical professionals before treatment to ensure you are receiving the correct care. You can book a consultation by giving us a call or using our online booking system.
Anti Wrinkle Treatment
To understand what muscle relaxant might cost depends on what you want to achieve and how many areas you would like to have treated. Everything starts with a full face-to-face consultation with an experienced Nurse Practitioner. Our nurses are also qualified to give a prescription which is also required for every anti-wrinkle injection treatment.
At Qutis we include a follow-up consultation which is best medical practice. If a muscle relaxant top-up injection is needed then this is included in your original price.
Treatment Finance options are under review and may be available, please ask in your consultation for more details.
Our Treatment can reduce facial redness and sebum (oil) production by affecting the small muscles around blood vessels and oil glands.
This patient had a non-surgical face lift. The second photograph is taken 6 months after. Her treatment included Anti Wrinkle Treatments to her forehead and dermal filler for a cheek lift and to soften around her mouth jowl area. She has maintained her complexion with 3-monthly minimal anti-wrinkle treatment & monthly HydraFacials and described herself as 'over the moon' with the outcome.
This patient had anti wrinkle treatment with us to help her smile look more natural as she had the tendency to screw her eyes up. This is caused by over activity of her muscles around her eyes. So a few tiny muscle relaxant treatments around her eyes helped her to look more natural and open-eyed when she smiled. She also has had a little bit of lip filler on the second photograph.
You will see in the second picture above, that after anti wrinkle treatment this patient has fewer lines in the forehead when raising her eyebrows. This treatment will also reduce the likelihood of deeper forehead wrinkles over the longer term.
MBNS Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH. Company Number 04664476.
Qutis Witney Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 07993267.
Qutis Herts Limited is registered with Companies House at 57, North Street, Thame, OX9 3BH.. Company Number 10879204