It is often said that the story of our life is written on our faces. It is written in those subtle lines, around our smile and our eyes. The majority of our patients want a fresh, glowing, healthy look.
As we age, the collagen we once produced starts to diminish.Throughout our life there are several factors that affect our collagen levels. Sun exposure, diet, exercise, lifestyle choices and genetics all have an impact on collagen effecting how we physically age. The good news is we have control of some of these factors and by managing these correctly we can maintain a healthy, fresh, youthful skin for longer.
The importance of regularly stimulating collagen
Collagen is a protein produced by the body and a key ingredient to keep our skin looking young and healthy. It is found in the body in areas such as muscles, bones, blood vessels and digestive system, and it has great benefits for the skin. As a person grows older, the body contains less collagen. As collagen level drops, signs of ageing appear. Lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and stiff joints are all symptoms of a lack of collagen in our body.
In contrast, when collagen levels are high, the skin looks radiant, firm and soft. It helps to keep the skin moisturised and it is also crucial to renew and repair skin cells. This is why collagen has become one of the star products in the skincare industry.
How to maintain collagen levels
At Quits Clinics, we offer a variety of treatments to address all your skin issues and boost your collagen levels. Most of our customers report that our skin rejuvenation techniques have helped their faces feel younger and healthier. What are these techniques? At Qutis Clinics, we use two technologies that can help you rejuvenate your skin.

A collagen PIN treatment
The Percutaneous Induction Needling or PIN is a therapy that many customers find effective to stimulate collagen production. By introducing a controlled wound into the skin with microneedles, your Qutis practitioner incites the release of new collagen and elastin and triggers your body’s healing process. At this point, the natural process begins. The skin becomes thicker and the wrinkles appear softer. This procedure is way less abrasive for the skin than other treatments such as dermal rolling or lasers.
Non-surgical skin tightening
Another technology we can provide you with at Qutis Clinics is a skin tightening treatment using pulse light (IPL) or radiofrequency (RF). Not only does this heat and increases collagen production but it also lifts and tightens the skin. This treatment is increasingly popular among our customers as it is:
- it is relatively pain free
- it is a non-invasive natural process
- it is ideal for maintaining treatment results from dermal fillers or preventing collagen depletion
- instant results with little to no recovery time
This treatment can also be used to reduce age and sun damage spots and remove fine red veins often located on the nose and the upper cheeks.
First step: identify your skin issues

If you would like to rejuvenate your skin but are not sure which treatment to opt for. Our Qutis practitioners are here to guide you to the solution that suits you best. To ensure our patients achieve optimal results we create customised treatment plans specific to each individual. During your consultation our specialist nurse practitioners will listen to your concerns, aim to identify the contributing factors and explain how we can manage and treat your skin.
Second step: find a solution that fits your needs and preferences

If you are looking for a natural approach to looking and feeling your best, that does not involve surgery or significant recovery time, you may want to consider our skin rejuvenation treatments. We have over 25 years experience and thousands of loyal, satisfied patients. We are confident we can help maintain and improve your skin health. Read our google reviews and patient testimonials to see for yourself!
Book your consultation today and start your journey of looking your natural best.